The principles described here are minimum standards for us.

Human rights

We are committed to respecting international human rights within our sphere of influence.

Forced labor

We forgive any form of forced labor in our company and our business partners.

Child labor

We reject child labor in our company and our business partners.

Discrimination and respect for others

We want to provide jobs that are unaffected by discrimination and harassment based on gender, race, color, religious convictions, age, ethnicity, disability, or sexual orientation. Employees in our company gain mutual respect.

Remuneration and working time

We recognize the right of our employees to adequate remuneration and respect the minimum wages guaranteed by law on the labor market in question. We comply with our current working time regulations in all our locations.

Relations with employees and employee representatives

We respect the right of our employees to freedom of association. Independently, we always give our employees the opportunity to represent their interests directly.

Health and safety

We want to promote a safe and healthy work environment that meets or exceeds the requirements of applicable health and safety standards at work. We will take all appropriate measures to prevent accidents and occupational diseases caused by working conditions.

Developing the workforce

We believe that the development of our employees is an essential investment in the future of our company. In this respect, besides the importance we attach to professional development, we also focus on the development of social and methodological competencies.

Responsibility to the environment

We maintain an eco-friendly environmental management system in our company, which is constantly improved. Minimal desiderata refers to compliance with environmental protection legislation and environmental management system requirements. In the exercise of our environmental responsibility we collaborate with our suppliers and business partners.

Interest conflicts, gifts and bribery attempts

We commit ourselves to not accepting gifts or donations, or not holding stake, which could lead to a conflict of interest. It is not specifically permitted to offer, provide or accept bribes or other payments prohibited by law.

Bytenet Consulting encourages suppliers, as far as possible, to introduce and apply similar social responsibility principles in their businesses.


We consider that each employee has a personal responsibility to follow this code of conduct and encourage colleagues to respect it in their turn. Leadership is responsible for implementing these principles. These are an integral part of our regulations and norms.

Our company:

It contributes to economic, social and environmental development, sustaining the principle of sustainable development;
Do not accept dispensations that are not included in the local legislative framework on the environment, health, safety, labor and taxation;
Support and apply fair leadership principles and practices;
Develop and apply effective management systems to build a trusting relationship with the companies in which it operates
Respect human rights in all its activities;
Promotes company values ​​across employees through training programs;
It does not discriminate or sanction individuals or institutions that warn the management team of incorrect company practices.